Studio Director - Alana Kumalagova, a graduate of the Schukin Theatre Institute in Moscow
Learning Russian with the help from Stanislavsky.
How can the study of the Russian language be combined with teaching the basics of acting?This is not only possible, but is one of the most effective methods of learning the language.
This is exactly what I do, combining the two methods in an original way of teaching. I use the latest and most interesting material from the best teachers and linguists of Russia, combined with my extensive knowledge of the Stanislavsky system, the Michael Chekhov technique, and the leading methods from the Vakhtangov school, which I learned as a student at the Shchukin Theatre School.
My program for the youngest students includes basic spoken language, reading and writing skills, attention games, exercises developing students' imagination and observation skills. As students grow, the theater method helps them develop their reading comprehension skills, as they learn to analyse the feelings and motivations of the characters that they encounter through their readings and in their acting.
My goal is to foster and encourage students' interest in literature, language and theater, while developing their innate artistic talents. These studies will help my students in many life situation to express themselves confidently through their talents.
Arlekin Studio Director